Dr. McMillan’s Fee Schedule

Dr. McMillan is not in network with any insurance companies. While our office can file a claim, patients are responsible for the full cost of their sessions at the time of service.


Individual Session – $225.00 per hour

Family/Joint Session – $225.00 per hour

Letter Writing – $300.00 per hour of time spent writing letters

Reviewing Forensic Material – $300.00 per hour

Court-related/Forensic Session – $300.00 per hour

Depositions – $375.00 per hour

Attorney Consultation – $300.00 per hour (phone or office)

Court Appearance – $375.00 per hour; minimum of 4 hours

You may also be charged for reading and responding to emails; specifically if material is court-related (between clients and attorneys, etc.).

Dr. McMillan may ask for a retainer for all legal cases.